Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Old Works #6: More book projects

There's More to be Scared of Than the Bears: The Lumberjack's Pocket Guide to Fearsome Critters

Images: Intaglio printed + watercolours
Text: Screenprinted
Cover Title: Relief printed
Bounded by yours truly.

Good Fortune Book

The interor consisted of fortune cookie fortunes.

Good Luck knot ties the binding.

These were the prototypes for an artist book project for my Books as Art class.  The final pieces + its box currently reside in the Toronto Reference Library.  I unfortunately didn't have the sense to take pictures of it before I submitted it.  But I do believe you can check it out (if you're in Toronto of course...  and have a valid TPL library card).

 The book project consisted of 6 beds each with an excerpt from To Die Well: Your Right to Comfort, Calm, and Choice in the Last Days of Life by Sidney Wanzer M.D. and Joseph Glenmullen M.D.

Beds are completely made from paper.  The final pieces had the text inkjet printed on gampi (I believe the paper shown above was a longer fibre paper..).  The box was formerly a first aid kit box which I modified.

I actually can't remember what I retitled the book.  I believe it was something like Finding Comfort Beyond the Bed ...?

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