Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recent Work: "Growing Thoughts". Summer 2012.

Paper Sculptural Installation: Hemp + Abaca, Flax + Abaca, and pigment.

I still have the artist statement for this one!!

"With this project, I utilise the properties of high-shrinkage pulps to explore the theme of growth and maturation of ideas.
In creating my piece, I tried to minimize my use of materials—mainly hemp+abaca and flax+abaca pulps, and a bit of pigmented pulp--, and broke it down to simple structures—free-formed cylinders.

The suggestion of maturity comes in the contrasts between the air-dried structures, and the pressed sheet structures.  The “mature” structures are hardened, opaque, and ragged, whereas the structures that have been pressed (representing “immaturity”), are translucent, clean cut, and flexible.  There is a literal interpretation to be taken in the description of materials to describe these metaphorical ideas—i.e. immature thoughts are open to flexibility, fresh and clean, where as matured thoughts are more condensed, well crafted, and have developed given time."

I wanted to mimic the look of mold, or other surface spreading organisms (others have mention sea anemone and plants, etc.) because it suits the idea of growth, and potentially the installation can grow and mass in numbers and area.

I tried considering other presentations of this work.  This one is in a corner and by a window...

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